Our Stories

Schlichtman works with gaming company to normalize the hospital experience
Austin Schlichtman began his career as a child life specialist which, interestingly enough, led him to write a children’s book to help explain death before switching roles to work with The Bungie…

From two to twenty nine: The artist, the elm and the educator
It was an elm, wizened by years, roots below grown deep and weighty in Hastings College soil, branches wide above offering shady embrace, and it greeted all—students, alumni, families—from its post at…

Constance — As told by Jocelyn Delgado
Dr. Constance Malloy, professor of English, is retiring after 27 years at Hastings College. Through the years, Dr. Malloy has supported many campus organizations; mentored hundreds of students; provided hospitality to students,…

Hastings College graduates work behind scenes to keep Omaha Symphony moving
The Omaha Symphony produces 40 concerts a season, and it’s made possible in part thanks to three Hastings College graduates who work behind the scenes. Diane (Knapp) Coffin ‘86, Jennifer (Gray) Kreitz-Couch…

‘A professor, a father, a friend,’ Bohmfalk set to retire
Dr. John Bohmfalk has a special knack for adding heart to the rather analytical world of biochemistry. His joyful, compassionate temperament, enthusiastic teaching style and occasional eccentricities have helped decades of Hastings…

Darling ’03 helps others find joy in giving
You might think that Matt Darling ‘03, vice president of donor services at the Omaha Community Foundation, works exclusively with CEO’s, business executives and other members of the “top 1 percent.” But…

In retirement, Phelps to answer new old question
Doug Phelps, a 1981 and 1989 (MAT) Hastings College graduate and an associate professor of Teacher Education, is retiring after 17 years at the College. At HC, he taught science methods courses…

Video: Diffendaffer ’12 uses 3D motion capture to analyze athletic performance
Hastings College graduate Alek Diffendaffer ’12 uses 3D motion capture to analyze athletic performance for injury prevention. He majored in exercise science at Hastings College and said his classes gave him the…

Hastings College education class hosts literacy luau for elementary school families
A Hastings College education collaborative partnerships course dived into the Hastings community and Hasting Public Schools this year, encouraging fun, at-home ways of learning for elementary students and their parents. As part…

As Wigert set to retire, students reflect on ‘one of nicest professors on campus’
As a professor, pastor, counselor, coach, father and husband, Dr. Lee R. Wigert might be the exact definition of a man who wears many hats — or maybe he just wears the…

Zink takes on sports media internship at D-I school
From Hastings College Media to the College World Series in-house production team and, in January, to the University of Cincinnati Athletic Department’s Bearcast Television, Hastings College senior Jake Zink’s involvement in sports…

Hastings College grad explores art with an environmental message
At her studio in the trendy Benson neighborhood of north Omaha, Nebraska, artist Jess Benjamin creates large-scale ceramic sculptures that reflect her rural roots and convey a subtle message about water depletion…

Evans finds right path in 3+1 nursing program
A native of Broken Bow, Nebraska, Josey Evans grew up hearing his uncle talk about his work as a nurse anesthetist in western Nebraska. Evans liked the idea of a career that…

Haswell spends January diving deeper into criminology outside of the classroom
With a desire to help people through justice, Hastings College senior Holly Haswell spent three weeks in January interning for the Hastings Regional Center and the District 10 probation office. During the…

Artist, CEO puts community first
Derek Rusher’s murals bring a splash of color and creativity to the prairie towns of South Central Nebraska. The 2002 Hastings College art education graduate and his team from Impact Art, a…

Johnson learns more about nursing while volunteering in Haiti
In January, Hastings College sophomore Emma Johnson traveled to Haiti, where she interned with Bless Back Worldwide, a nonprofit organization that allowed her to gain in-depth field experience in her dream job:…