
The Academy of Student Preachers Inspiring Religious Engagement (ASPIRE) is an intergenerational program focused on cultivating preaching that compels diverse audiences, especially young adults, by communicating Biblical teachings in ways that are timely, relevant and inclusive of contemporary culture and digital platforms.

The ASPIRE program awards scholarships to incoming Hastings College students who discern a call to ministry. Over a four-year period, ASPIRE students will:

  • Complete the Christian Ministry Certificate.
    • This six-course program prepares you to become a leader in your church, a lay pastor or to help you apply for the seminary should you choose to make that the next step in your faith journey.
  • Participate in the Annual Preaching Conference at Hastings College
    • Free admission to the Annual Preaching Conference at Hastings College with the opportunity to lead in various capacities.
  • Contribute to the Digital Sermon Library
    • ASPIRE students will have the opportunity to contribute sermons that use innovation and modern methods to engage diverse listeners, especially young adults.

Additional opportunities include:

  • Annual Preaching Retreats to hear and work with well-known preachers in the Midwest
  • Access to a Bible Commentary Library
  • Opportunities to lead in worship at Hastings College and contribute towards an online sermon library that focuses on preaching by and for young people 
  • One-on-mentoring from the College chaplain in the areas of preaching and Applied Theology

How to Apply

To be accepted into the program and receive an ASPIRE scholarship, you must apply to Hastings College and meet necessary admissions requirements, and complete the ASPIRE application, linked below.

Note that the ASPIRE scholarship application requires links to the following:

  • A 3-5 minute video introducing yourself and sharing your faith journey and a little about your faith community
  • A 10-12 minute sermon about a scripture of your choice.


Reach out to Rev. Doodle Harris, college chaplain, at, or contact your admissions counselor.
