Internships. It all makes a difference as you look to gain experience and build a resume that stands out. The Talent Pool in the Hastings College Department of Business and Economics can help!

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There are many networking opportunities within the Hastings College Department of Business and Economics Talent Pool.

Mentoring. Networking.

By participating in the Talent Pool, you’ll showcase your academic knowledge and talents while making valued contributions to a partnering business or organization. Acceptance into the program also places you within a support group of fellow Talent Pool interns who provide peer‐to‐peer mentoring – in addition to the mentoring you’ll receive from Talent Pool business professionals.

In the past, Talent Pool participants have worked with these and other community partners:

  • Oakeson Steiner Wealth and Retirement
  • Five Points Bank
  • Principal Financial Group
  • Mary Lanning Healthcare
  • Hastings Convention and Visitors Bureau
  • Industrial Irrigation
  • Hastings Economic Development Corporation (HEDC)
  • Hastings HVAC

The Talent Pool is a great way to begin building a network and gain valuable experience!

Community Partners

We’re always looking for community partners who are eager to share their business wisdom and savvy with a select group of Hastings College Department of Business and Economics students.

By joining the Talent Pool you’ll add value to your organization through the contributions of our interns who are pre‐screened and also subject to the high academic standards and expectations of program members. By mentoring your Talent Pool intern, you’ll ensure that he or she has a better understanding of how to participate in business and contribute to the community in ways that best serve others. It’s a wonderful, rewarding opportunity!

More Information
For information on how your organization can participate in the Talent Pool, contact Career Services.
