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Campus activities vault Jamieson into nonprofit management

“Not one week or day is ever the same ever for anyone working in this field,” said Netanya Jamieson, who has been in human services since graduating from Hastings College in 2005.

And she wouldn’t want it any other way.

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Netanya Jamieson ’05 works with a team to provide affordable, stable housing options and key services to households with at least one person with a disability.

“I was definitely one of those individuals that fell into this line of work, and I’ve loved it ever since,” said Jamieson.

Currently, she serves as program officer for Supportive Housing for Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) San Antonio, Texas. In this role, she works with a team to provide affordable, stable housing options as well as key services to households with at least one person with a disability. Many people in supportive housing have experienced homelessness because they have struggled to secure and sustain housing in their communities.

Jamieson’s position requires: being an independent starter since the working conditions are hybrid, connecting with varied audiences, and continually studying and presenting the best practices for permanent supportive housing – all skills she honed as an active student at Hastings College.

“Being involved kept me busy and helped with my organization skills as well as being able to meet people where they are,” she said.

Formally, Jamieson served as president of the Multicultural Student Union, co-president of Alpha Delta Alpha, and a member of the Public Relations (PR) Council, among other endeavors. Personally, she took it upon herself “to mentor and support many minority students.”

“The connections, friendships, responsibility for others, and being the face for someone making the choice to attend HC all helped me grow in my communication skills,” she said.

Finding Success in Nonprofit Management

Jamieson provides this advice to others seeking to succeed in the nonprofit field:

  • Truly have a passion for the work.
  • Understand that you won’t save the world, but you can have a huge impact on someone’s life, to help them reach whatever level of independence looks like for them.
  • Seek a mentor to help you in areas that aren’t your strengths.
  • Being genuine, empathetic, trustworthy, humble, and keeping your word are very important in nonprofit management.
  • Develop skills that will grow your team, the organization, and yourself.


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