
Wright named 2013 Bronco Award winner, Who’s Who recipients announced at Hastings College

(Hastings, Neb.) –  On May 10, 2013, Kevin Wright ’13 of Mansfield, Pa. (pictured), was named the 2013 Bronco Award recipient at Hastings College’s annual Honors Convocation.

Established in 1924, the Bronco Award is the College’s highest non-academic award granted to students.  Nominees for the Bronco Award and the Who’s Who list are determined through a vote of their peers.  They must be graduating seniors who have made outstanding contributions during their college careers.  The list and award winners are then selected by a secret student-faculty committee.

The complete Who’s Who list is below:

Elyse Appelgate of Lakewood, Colo., served on the leadership of Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week and was a Walter Scott Scholar. She has been an active member of the Student Environmental Action Coalition, the Sustainability Committee, the Public Relations Council and the dean’s list. The daughter of Bob and Cheryl Appelgate, she has presented at Academic Showcase Day. Appelgate is majoring in sociology and international studies.

Laura Bernero of Highlands Ranch, Colo., is a journalism and English major who has maintained a 4.0 grade point average and was a Walter Scott Scholar. She has served as both photo editor and features editor for the Collegian and as graphics editor for HCTV. She also served on the NAIA National Basketball Tournament Media Team. Bernero has been a member of the Public Relations Council, the Student Alumni Ambassadors, Alpha Omega Sorority, the Society of Collegiate Journalists and the Irish Fellows Program. The daughter of Doug and Tracy Bernero, she has been published in the Spectrum and volunteered with Kids Against Hunger.

Jordan Borrell of Hastings, Neb., is the son of Art and Evonne Borrell. A physics major, he has served as President of the Public Relations Ambassadors and Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honor Society and as Co-President of Beta Chi Fraternity. Borrell has been a member of the Student Alumni Ambassadors, the Public Relations Council and the Inter-Greek Council. He participated in the Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) Symposium and earned the Dr. Harry R. James Physics Award and the Madgett Physics Scholarship. Borrell has been named to the dean’s list and served as Resident Assistant at Altman Hall.

Trevor Brass of Lincoln, Neb., is an economics and communication studies major. A member of the Hastings College Bronco Forensics team who earned All-American status, he has also served on the Artist Lecture Series Student Symposium Committee. He has served as a writer, copy editor and page editor for the Collegian and as weather forecaster on HCTV. Brass has been named to the dean’s list and honored for his work with Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students (BACCHUS). Brass is a member of Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honor Society and Lambda Pi Eta Communications Honor Society. The son of Gene and Mary Brass, he has presented at the Nebraska Undergraduate Communication Research Conference and Academic Showcase Day.

Abigail “Abi” Burrows of McCook, Neb., is an advertising and public relations major. She has served as photographer for the Collegian and the Office of Marketing and Communications. A member of the Student Alumni Ambassadors, Alpha Omega, Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Alpha Chi Academic Honor Society, Burrows was secretary of the Public Relations Council and named to the dean’s list. She also participated in the Irish Fellows Program. Burrows is the daughter of Tim and Sharon Burrows.

Chloe Ekberg of Omaha, Neb., has served photo editor of Collegian and earned a Golden Leaf Award for the 2nd Best Sports Photo shot by a journalism student in Nebraska.  She served as manager of the Bronco Blend, art and promotions director for KFKX, historian for Society of Collegiate Journalists and Resident Assistant at Taylor Hall. A dean’s list student, Ekberg participated in the Student Senate and the Irish Fellows Program. She worked as photographer for the Office of Marketing and Communications and earned the Mabel Gray Scholarship and a Knappenberger Grant. The journalism major is the daughter of Mark Ekberg and Lane and Laura Leach.

Jacob Holmquist of Burwell, Neb., served as captain of the Hastings College Bronco Track and Field team, qualifying four times for the NAIA Outdoor National Track Meet and three times for the NAIA Indoor National Track Meet. He earned NAIA All-American status and the Champions of Character Award. Elected by his peers as Homecoming King, Holmquist served on the leadership team for Fellowship of Christian Athletes and on the planning committee for New Student Days. A biology major, he has been a member of Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society, the Pre-Health Professions Club, the Student Alumni Ambassadors, the Student Association Senate, Public Relations Council and the Resident Hall Council. He is the son of Hugh and Brenda Holmquist.

Allison Kern of Hastings, Neb., served as Vice-President of the Student Association, Secretary for Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society and Student Representative for the Hastings College Athletic Director Search Committee. A member of the Hastings College Bronco Volleyball team, she was named an NAIA Daktronics Scholar Athlete. Kern has been a member of the Artist Lecture Series Committee, the Pre-Health Professions Club, the Student Senate, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the Alpha Chi Academic Honor Society, the Babcock Hall Dorm Council and Chi Omega Psi Sorority. A dean’s list student, she has presented at the National Academy of Sciences meeting, participated in the Summer Medical & Dental Education Program and earned the Walter V. Showalter Award. The biology major is the daughter of Pat and Allison Kern.

Quincey King of Ft. Collins, Colo., is a health systems major who participated on both the Hastings College Bronco Basketball and Softball teams. She chaired the New Student Days Planning Committee, served as a Weekend of Champions Huddle Leader for Fellowship of Christian Athletes and was named to the dean’s list. King was a member of the Public Relations Council, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the Pre-Health Professions Club, the Student Association Senate and the Student Alumni Ambassadors. The daughter of Mark and Lauri King, she was elected by her peers as Homecoming Princess.

Ashton Lambie of Lincoln, Neb., served terms as both President and Vice-President of Student Environmental Action Coalition and as Co-Chair of the Sustainability Committee. Lambie led the Bronco Bike Program, presented research during Academic Showcase Day and participated in the Hastings College Bell Choir and Quartet. A music and business administration major, he is the son of Marvin and Tami Lambie and has been named to the dean’s list.

Jacob Marvin of Lincoln, Neb., has maintained a 4.0 grade point average while participating on the Hastings College Bronco Men’s Basketball team. He was selected as Captain of the Men’s Basketball team, earned NAIA Academic All-American status and was named to the GPAC All-Conference Second Team. A business administration and recreation and sports management major, Marvin served as Vice-President of the Student Association, Student Representative on a Vice-Presidential Search Committee, Co-Chair of the Intramural Sports Committee and leadership team member for Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the FCA Weekend of Champions. He presented research at Academic Showcase Day. Additionally, he was a member of Alpha Chi Academic Honor Society, the Religious Organizations Council, Campus Crusade/Revive, Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honor Society and Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Marvin founded the HC Fan Federation and was named Alpha Chi Academic Society’s Outstanding Male First Year Student. The son of Dwayne Marvin and Rochell Dahlquist, he was a Creigh-Weyer Scholarship Finalist, a dean’s list student and a Homecoming Prince.

Jon Marx of Concord, Calif., serves as Co-Chair of the Chapel Committee and the Religious Organizations Committee. The history major has represented the Humanities Division in the Student Association Senate and been inducted into the Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society. Marx has been a member of
Beta Chi Christian fraternity, Revive, Sinfonia and the Hastings College Choir. A dean’s list student, he participated in the Irish Fellows Program and earned the following scholarships and grants: the Thom Continuing Religious Education Scholarship; the Frederick E. Udlock Scholarship; the Knappenberger Grant; and the Rafferty-Rownd Grant. Marx is the son of Gary Marx and Marge Marx.

Elizabeth McCue of Omaha, Neb., served as Editor-in-Chief and Page/Copy Editor for the Collegian. A journalism major, she has been a member of the Society of Collegiate Journalists, HC Media Online, HCTV and the Hastings College Forensics team. She also served as News Director for KFKX. McCue has participated in the Wind Ensemble and the Jazz Band and represented Off-Campus Students in the Student Association Senate. The daughter of Dave and Lisa McCue, she has been named to the dean’s list.
Jeremy Murman, a music education major from Glenvil, Neb., played for the HC Bronco Men’s Golf team, serving as Co-Captain and earning the Tom Asbury Memorial Golf Scholarship. He was a Resident Assistant in Bronc Hall; Concert Chairman and Parliamentarian for the Student Association; Vice President and Student Representative for the Collegiate Showcase of the National Association for Music Education; and Alpha Chi Academic Honor Society’s Outstanding Male Sophomore. A member of the dean’s list, Murman played saxophone in the band, served as accompanist for the Hastings College Men’s Choir and directed the men’s choir at St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church. He is the son of Craig and Deb Murman.   

Ian Nickel of Hastings, Neb., served as President of the Student Environmental Action Coalition. A music major, he has been active in the Hastings College Band, Wind Ensemble, Choir, Jazz Band and Saxophone Quartet. Additionally, he served as an Off-Campus Senator for the Student Association Senate. Nickel is the son of Edward and Sherry Nickel.

Mario Powell of Colorado Springs, Colo., is a music composition and performance major who has been active in the Hastings College Band and Choir. Additionally, he has participated in various musical ensembles including the 1-2-5 a capella group. Powell served as a Resident Assistant in Altman Hall, presented on his J-Term internship during Academic Showcase and participated in intramurals and Hastings College Theatre productions. He is the son of Christopher Powell and Alicia Dolen.

Taylor Powers of Hastings, Neb., is a marketing major. She has been active with the Public Relations Council, the leadership committee of the Public Relations Ambassadors, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the Spanish Club, the Sodexo Food Committee and the New Student Days Planning Committee.  Powers has been Communication Chair for the Student Association Executive Council, student statistician for the Hastings College Bronco Volleyball team and member of Lambda Pi Eta Communication Honorary. The daughter of Vern and Cheryl Powers, she was a member of the Hastings College Women’s Tennis team.

Erin Ptak of Norfolk, Neb., has served as Co-Chair of the Special Events Committee, Secretary of the Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honorary Society, Treasurer of the Lambda Pi Eta Communications Honor Society and Co-Captain of the Crimson Spirit Dance Team. A member of the Public Relations Council, Alpha Chi Academic Honor Society, Public Relations Ambassadors, Kids Against Hunger and the dean’s list. A marketing major, Ptak served as Resident Assistant in Babcock Hall. She is the daughter of David and Gwen Ptak.

Margaret “Meg” Smith of Green Bay, Wis., served as Editor-in-Chief and Layout Editor of the Bronco Yearbook, Treasurer of the Hastings College Democrats, Co-Chair of the Chapel Committee and Communications Chair on the Student Association Executive Council. A religion and history major, she has been a member of Common Grounds, Local/Global, Alpha Omega Sorority, the Religious Organizations Council, the Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week Committee and Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society. Named to the dean’s list, Smith presented at a Phi Alpha Theta Conference and participated in the Irish Fellows Program. She is the daughter of Alan and Ellen Smith.

Ruth “Rubea” Stouppe of Hutchinson, Kan., served as Co-Leader of Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week and Local/Global. Additionally, she served as Secretary of the Student Environmental Action Coalition and the Student Association. A member of Hastings College Democrats and the dean’s list, Stouppe received the Dorothy Reed Steen Armstrong Scholarship for Christian Ministry. She is majoring in Peace, Justice and Social Change and International Studies and is the daughter of Jeff and Becky Stouppe.
Hannah Swanson of Grand Island, Neb., is a professional accounting and computer science major. She has served as the Speaker Liaison for Professional Business Leaders and Treasurer for Revive. A dean’s list student, Swanson has been a member of the Jesus Awareness Week Planning Committee, Math Day Staff and the American Institute of CPAs. She presented at Alpha Chi Academic Honor Society’s national convention where she received the Floyd Tesmer/Strayer University Prize in Computer Science and Engineering for the iPhone app she created for Academic Showcase. She was named the Outstanding Junior in Computer Science and earned the Dr. Ralph Lamb Award in Business and Economics. Swanson maintains a 4.0 grade point average and is the daughter of Allen and Carol Swanson.

Cassandra Waldron of Fairbury, Neb., is a biology major. She played for the Hastings College Bronco Softball team and served on the Leadership Team for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She has been a member of Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society, serving as Historian; the Student Union Committee, Alpha Chi Academic Honor Society and Alpha Omega Sorority. Waldron has been named to the dean’s list and served as Resident Assistant in Babcock Hall and the Bronco Village Apartments. She is the daughter of Dave Waldron and Jackie Wesch.

Kevin Wright of Mansfield, Pa., served as President of the Student Association and Co-Chair of Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. Additionally, he served as Student Advocacy Outreach and Resources Chair and Entertainment Committee Chair of Student Association Executive Council. A member of the Student Environmental Action Coalition, Wright has been active with the Peer HIV Education Organization (PHIVE-O), Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society, the Hastings College Bronco Forensics team, the Spectrum, HCTV and the HC Bronco Cross Country team.  At the Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students General Assembly, Wright was named Outstanding Student and gave a presentation. During his collegiate career, Wright completed internships with the San Francisco Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The biology major won the Creigh-Weyer Scholarship and is the son of Lee and Kathy Wright.

Founded in 1882, Hastings College is a private, four-year liberal arts institution located in Hastings, Nebraska, that focuses on student academic and extracurricular achievement. With 64 majors in 32 areas of study and 12 pre-professional programs, Hastings College has been named among “America’s Best National Liberal Arts Colleges” by U.S. News & World Report, a “Best in the Midwest” by The Princeton Review and a “Best Buy in College Education” by Barron’s. Visit for more.

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