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Johnson named 2014 Bronco Award winner as Who’s Who recipients announced

emily johnson bronco award 2014On May 9, 2014, Emily Johnson, a senior from Victorville, Calif., was named the 2014 Bronco Award recipient at Hastings College’s annual Honors Convocation. 

Established in 1924, the Bronco Award is the College’s highest non-academic award granted to students. Nominees for the Bronco Award and the Who’s Who list are determined through a vote of their peers. They must be graduating seniors who have made outstanding campus contributions during their college careers. The list and award winners are then selected by a secret student-faculty committee.

The complete Who’s Who list is below:

Gage Axford, a dean’s list student from Colorado Springs, Colo., is the son of Dr. Stephen and Vicki Axford. A journalism and recreation & sports management/Studio Art major, Axford has served as Editor-in-Chief and Sports Editor for the Collegian, earning two Golden Leaf awards for journalism. He was named Hastings College Sports Management Major of the Year, is a member of the Society of Collegiate Journalists and served as Apartment Resident Assistant.

Named as Hastings College’s first Excelsior Scholar to conduct undergraduate research, Seton Bachle is the son of Von and Laurel Bachle. A biology major from Murdock, Neb., he is a member of Beta Beta Beta biology honorary, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the dean’s list. A four year member of the Bronco Men’s Tennis team, he earned GPAC Daktronics Scholar Athlete honors. Additionally, Bachle won the Gilbert Adrian Award for outstanding biology student.

Angela Boggs, a biology major from Winnetoon, Neb., is the daughter of Kevin and Betty Boggs. A member of the Hastings College Concert and Marching Bands, she has served as Co-President, Vice President and Community Service Officer for Alpha Psi Sigma; Co-President of the Inter-Greek Council; and Co-Captain of the Color Guard. She completed a Summer Medical and Dental Education Program and is Secretary of Beta Beta Beta biology honorary. Boggs is a member of the Campus Tour Guides and the American Chemistry Society. In the community, she is a volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters and mid-week teacher with Peace Lutheran Church.

The daughter of Kenneth and Colleen Case, Emily Case of Gibbon, Neb., is an English/visual media major. Her service to campus includes serving as Editor-in-Chief of HC Media Online, Resident Assistant at Taylor Hall, Co-Leader of the Book Club and Writer/Photographer with the Collegian. Case is a dean’s list student, a leader in Revive and a member of Omicron Delta Kappa leadership honorary. She has played in the Hastings College Band, HC Jazz Band, Flute Quartet and Wind Ensemble. 

A dean’s list student, Kyle Chesterman from Oxford, Neb., is the son of Scott and Joanna Chesterman and Susan Fries. He is a communication studies major who has served as DJ, News Director, Programming Director and Manger of KFKX; Web Editor of HC Media Online; and Copy Editor for the Collegian. Chesterman sang in the Hastings College Choir, served as Student Senator and leadership roles at Altman Hall and the Bronco Apartments; volunteered with English Language Learners; and performed with the Spectrum ensemble. Chesterman has been a member of Beta Chi, Pi Rho Sigma, Active Minds and Common Grounds. Chesterman was the 2012 Homecoming King.

Amanda Downey, a biology major from Benkelman, Neb., is the daughter of Dr. Michael and Jeanne Downey. She has served as Student Senator and a volunteer for the Big Event and the Fall Festival. A member of Beta Beta Beta biology honorary and the American Chemical Society, Downey has been a campus tutor.

The son of Scott and Chele Garder, Ryan Garder is a mathematics education and Christian ministry major from Blair, Neb., who has maintained a 4.0 GPA. Named the Alpha Chi Sophomore Male Student of the Year, he has also presented at the academic honorary’s national conference and served as the local chapter’s Vice    President. Garder has been Bible Study Leader for Pi Rho Sigma; President of the Student Education Association; member of the Academic Showcase Board, the Education Department Search Committee, the Christian Ministry, the Campus Tour Guides Omicron Delta Kappa leadership honorary, Students Against Hunger & Homelessness, and the Student Senate; and a pitcher for the Bronco Baseball team. His honors include the Junior Math Student of the Year Award and Locke Family        Scholarship for Religion. Garder is a Youth Director at Grace United Methodist Church and a volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Kaitlin Grode, a publishing major from Omaha, Neb., is the daughter of Kevin and Mary Grode. She has served as Editor-in-Chief and Copy Editor of the Bronco Yearbook; Literary Co-Editor of the Spectrum literary magazine; and Chief Copy Editor, Page Designer and Ad Designer for the Collegian. She also has been President and Secretary of Sigma Tau Delta English honorary and Student Senator. A Creigh Weyer Scholarship Finalist, dean’s list student and Irish Fellow, Grode plays for the Hastings Symphony Orchestra and the Hastings College Band. She is a member of the Society of Collegiate Journalists, Sigma Alpha Iota sorority for women in music and Alliance.

Elizabeth Hammon, the daughter of Ted and Sandy Hammon, is an English and Spanish major from Pine, Colo. A member of the Student Senate and dean’s list student, she has served as a member and leader in Revive, Committee Chairman for the Executive Council Union, campus tour guide and Resident Assistant at Taylor Hall. Additionally, she has been a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, a leader at FCA’s Weekend of Champions and Student Ambassador for KnowHow2Go. Hammon’s volunteer activities include the Big Event, Operation Christmas Child, Kids Against Hunger, Colorado Staunton State Park and Salvation Army After School Program. She earned the Hal Lainson Memorial Scholarship and a Project Management Internship at Salvation Army. Hammon played for and served as statistician for the Bronco Volleyball team.

The son of Johnny and Cindy Hemphill, Kristian Dae Hemphill from Bayfield, Colo., is a history and political science major. He was Co-Founder and Co-President of Pi Rho Sigma, Social Chair for the Inter-Greek Council and Chair for the Student Judiciary Committee. He earned the Dorothy Weyer Creigh History Scholarship and the Charles Osborne Student Leadership Award. A member of Omicron Delta Kappa leadership honorary, Boosting Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students (BACCHUS), Active Minds, Students Against Hunger, the Political Science Club, Religious Organizations Committee, the Peer-Education Umbrella Network, the Political Science Club, the Model United Nations club and Pi Alpha Theta history honorary, he has hosted a show on KFKX Radio, coordinated graphic design for HC Media Online and served as a campus tour guide.

Jose Jimenez, a communication studies and mathematics major from Lexington, Neb., is the son of Hector Valdez and Rosalba Lopez de Jimenez. Co-Executive Chair for the Peer-Education Umbrella Network (PUN), he has been active with Boosting Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students (BACCHUS), earning regional recognition for his work; Peer HIV Education Organization (PHIVE-O), serving as Representative and Student Advisory Committee to the BACCHUS Network; the Student Senate; and Hastings College Theatre Arts productions of “Almost Maine” and “The Good Person of Szechuan.” Jimenez competed for the Bronco Forensics team, earning bids to the national tournament and the Nebraska Intercollegiate Forensics Association’s Spirit of Nebraska award, and was a member of Lambda Pi Eta communication studies honorary. He served as Director of The Zone, member of the Student Association Executive Council and campus tour guide. He was Co-Founder and Co-President of Pi Rho Sigma, gave presentations during Academic Showcase and was the 2012 Homecoming Prince.

Emily Johnson of Victorville, Calif., is a peace, justice & social change and political science major with minors in Christian ministry and women & gender studies. The daughter of Dwight and Patricia Johnson, she has maintained a 4.0 GPA. She has served as President of the Student Association and on the Student Judiciary Council, Student Senate and the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. Johnson was Co-President and Secretary for Food4Thought; Vice President and Historian for Alpha Chi academic honorary; Writer and News Director for the Collegian newspaper; Co-Chair for the New Student Days Planning Committee, Co-President of Students Against Hunger and Homelessness; and Pledge President and Community Service Coordinator for Alpha Phi Sigma. She has been a member of Alpha Delta Kappa sociology honorary, Active Minds, the Campus Tour Guides, Omicron Delta Kappa leadership honorary, Christian Ministries and Student Environmental Action Coalition. She held volunteer and intern positions with Hastings Family Planning Clinic, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Maryland Living Center and Catholic Social Services. Johnson presented at the Midwest Political Science Undergraduate Research Conference, the Alpha Chi National Convention and No Limits! Conference on Women’s and Gender Studies.

Jasmine Khamouna, a health systems, psychology and sociology major of Hastings, Neb., is the daughter of Lori Khamouna and Mo Khamouna. A dean’s list student, she has served as Program Director for Food4Thought, Committee Member for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, Board Member for Open Table, Board Member for HC Community Partner, Committee Member for the Autism and Fear Symposium and Team Leader for Mothers of Preschoolers. She is a member of Psi Chi psychology honorary, presented at Academic Showcase and interned with the Chicago Center for Urban Life & Culture. As both a member of the Bronco Cross Country team and the Track & Field team, she was named Daktronics-NAIA Scholar-Athlete. In the community, Khamouna has volunteered with Big Brothers Big Sisters, worked for AmeriCorps VISTA, served as Coach and Meet Coordinator for a summer swim team, taught for AWANA and earned the 2013 Hastings YWCA Tribute to Young Women Award.

The daughter of Shelly Moreno, MaKayla Kort is a psychology, studio art and Christian ministry major from Grand Island, Neb. She has been active in Hastings College Theatre productions, the Artist Guild, the Christian Ministry Program and Alpha Phi Sigma.  Kort was the 2012 Homecoming Princess.

Eleanor Meisinger, a physics and mathematics major from Littleton, Colo., is the daughter of Michael and Trudy Meisinger. A dean’s list student, she has served as Student Senator and Member of the Future of Residence Halls Committee. Meisinger earned the Madgett Physics Scholarship and has been active with Alpha Phi Sigma and Public Relations Ambassadors. Previously she played for Bronco Women’s Soccer.

A Psychology and English major from Grand Island, Neb., Emily Meyer is the daughter of Kenneth and Sandra Meyer. In addition to serving as Resident Assistant at Taylor Hall, Student Senator and Member of Psi Chi psychology honorary and Alpha Delta Kappa sociology honorary, she has maintained a 4.0 GPA.  Emily performed with the Hastings College Band and Drum Line.

Tyler Mogilefsky, a special education and elementary education major from Fort Collins, Colo., is the son of Jay and Sheila Parker. A dean’s list student and offensive guard for the Bronco Football team, he was named Academic All-American, All-Conference Honorable Mention and Team Captain. Mogilefsky is a member of Alpha Chi academic honorary and Pi Lambda Theta teaching honorary. He earned the Louise C. Walter Scholarship for Elementary Education.

A studio art and English major from Alliance, Neb., Beau Neville is the son of Robert and Delinda Neville. He has served on the Artist Lecture Series Student Symposium Committee, volunteered with Fall Fest, and played intramural court and sand volleyball. Neville has sung with the Hastings College Choir, the Men’s Choir and 1-2-5 men’s a capella group. He is a member of Sigma Tau Delta English honorary, the Campus Tour Guides and the Artist Guild.

Frankie Petersen, a biology education and English as a Second Language major from Cambridge, Neb., is the daughter of Timothy and Anita Petersen and Gina Petersen. A dean’s list student, she has been active with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Student Education Association, Meals on Wheels, Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Humane Society. Captain of the Lady Broncos Basketball team, Petersen was named Academic All-American, Daktronics-NAIA Scholar-Athlete and Honorable Mention All-GPAC.

The son of Patrick and Anita Peterson, Zachary Peterson of Omaha, Neb., is a collaborative piano and voice performance major. He served as Student Senator for Fine Arts and on the Weyer Hall Dorm Council. A dean’s list student, he has participated in the Hastings College Choir, HC Wind Ensemble, HC Entertainment Arts Ensemble and the Hastings Symphony Orchestra. He is a member of the Music Teachers National Association, National Association for Music Education, Student National Association of Teachers of Singing and Alliance. Peterson has presented at Academic Showcase and received the following awards: Elmer Christiansen Award, Theodore Presser Scholar and Alpha Chi Outstanding Male First Year Student.

Benjamin Reimer, a biology major from Hastings, Neb., is the son of Dr. Curt and Kathleen Reimer. He has maintained a 4.0 GPA, served as Vice President and Treasurer of the Student Association and served as Co-Chair for the New Student Days Committee. Reimer was named Alpha Chi Outstanding Male First Year Student and is a member of the Bronco Baseball team. He is a member of Alpha Chi academic honorary, Beta Beta Beta biology honorary, the Pre-Health Club and the Campus Tour Guides. He volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters.

An elementary education, early childhood education and English as a Second Language major from Eagle, Neb., Staci Ronhovde is the daughter of Thomas and Susan Ronhovde. A dean’s list student, she has served as Student Senator. She has been active with Pi Lambda Theta teaching honorary, Food4Thought, Students Against Hunger and Homelessness, A Catholic Thing, Public Relations Ambassadors and New Student Days. Ronhovde has sung with the Entertainment Arts Ensemble, HC Singers and the Hastings College Choir. She has volunteers with Kids Fitness Day, the Prairie Loft Harvest Celebration and St. Michael’s Book Fair. A recipient of the Trustee Honor Scholarship, McClelland Music Scholarship, R & N Babcock Scholarship, TEACH Grant, and Attracting Excellence to Teaching Programs Grant, Ronhovde serves as a tutor and a Science Club Teacher.

Emily Wright, a biochemistry and molecular biology major from Bridgeport, Neb., is the daughter of Kent and Bobbi Wright. A dean’s list student, she served as President of the American Chemical Society, Co-Chair of the Student Association Entertainment Committee and Treasurer for Habitat for Humanity. She earned a Summer Medical and Dental Education Program internship and the CRC Press Chemistry Achievement Award. Wright has volunteered with First Presbyterian Church and is a member of Alpha Chi academic honorary, Beta Beta Beta biology honorary and the Student Health Advisory Committee. She is a Red Cross HIV-Educator and interned with the Veteran’s Hospital Clinical Pharmacy. A member of the Bronco Women’s Golf team, she was named the team’s Most Valuable Player and Outstanding Newcomer.

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