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Hastings College honors employees with ‘Hastings Habits’ awards

Hastings College President Dr. Travis Feezell announced Hastings Habits recipients for the 2018-19 academic year on Friday, May 11. There were more than 70 nominations for the five awards.

The “habits” embody the true spirit of a Hastings College education and are embodied in the people that give of their time and talents to educate students. In turn, the College hopes these traits are grown and developed in its students and continues to guide their lives after they graduate.  aaron habits web

The recipients – Aaron Badham, Traci Boeve, Dennis Leonard, Barbara Sunderman and Kimberly Milovac – each received a $2,000 prize presented by Kim Dinsdale, as awards for each Hastings Habit were made possible by the Jackson Dinsdale Endowment Fund. 

Below are details for each of the recipients, including quotes from their nominations.

Aaron Badham, instructor of visual arts
A Creative Spirit Award: We value the worth of ideas and only from scrutiny and debate can we create what comes next.

Quotes from Nominations: This individual represents the creative spirit in many ways on the Hastings College campus. Not only are his courses interesting, exciting and creative ways to view art and sculpture, but he has been working creatively in his ideas and proposals for the first-year foundation/core and new LAP structure.

traci habits webHe has creative spirit in figuring out what is best for our students. He is always looking for ways to make Hastings College a more creative, interesting and unique experience for our students, staff and community.

Traci Boeve, director of financial aid
Civil Candor Award:
Honesty with humility, candor without intentional hurt – we communicate directly knowing that in seeking truth, we seek a shared good.

Quotes from Nominations: This individual provides faculty and administrators with solid, trustworthy counsel based on hard numbers and extensive experience.

She tells it like it is – whether she’s talking to a faculty member or a student facing academic probation – but in the most kind and generous way she can. She’s not afraid to share hard-won wisdom, accumulated over years of experience, to help a student recognize when it’s time to admit that they’ve got a problem and need a break, or to encourage a student to shift their scholarship from one type to another to better meet their academic needs.

dennis habits web


Dennis Leonard, director of campus security
Care of All Things Award:
Our abundance – of time, talents, treasure and people – is a gift to shepard so that we may change lives.

Quotes from Nominations: Safety first, in all aspects of his work. This individual leads by example, experience, and knowledge. Sick child, lost keys, open a building at midnight, drive/pickup student from the train station, these are all things that that he does with care. He doesn’t ask why, or say that’s not his job, he simply acts. He follows up, he makes sure wrongs are righted, he acts and engages with purpose. He is a human that cares as much about his job as he does the people he protects.


Dr. Barbara Sunderman, professor of education
Active Citizenship Award:
We commit to making this place – our Hastings, our state, our world – better through our individual and collective actions and that to do this well we must listen as much as we must do.barbara habits web

Quotes from Nominations: This individual throws herself into her role, making time in her incredibly busy schedule to meet with anyone with a question or concern about the college and where it’s going. Her unfailingly sunny disposition, careful discretion, sympathetic ear and solid wisdom have made her an incredible asset for both the faculty and the administration this year. Hard work, dedication to the college and a positive spirit make her the ideal ‘active citizen’ on campus.




Kimberly Milovac, admissions counselor
Radical Hospitality Award: We don’t just say hello but instead WELCOME you in an authentic spirit of service and support to others.

kimberly habits webQuotes from Nominations: This individual currently serves as an adviser in many roles on campus. Her outreach to students struggling with making the adjustment to college has been above and beyond the call of duty.

She has become known as the honors program “mom.” She has helped us plan and organize ourselves in this hectic first year. She also is willing to take her own time to assure that students at Hastings are thriving. I have not only experienced her help and kindness in some of my more emotional times this year, but I have seen her create the same connections with many other students. She has made this college feel like home.

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