Hastings College Homecoming 2020 events are in full swing this week, with several traditional events happening in a reimagined way within COVID-19 safety guidelines. A full schedule can be found at hastings.edu/homecoming.

Along with the excitement of homecoming activities, 10 royalty finalists from the junior class were chosen by the student body.
Homecoming royalty include Wren Allen of Columbus, Nebraska; Holly Bosley of Longmont, Colorado; Christiana Cole of Bowie, Maryland; Jayden Eby of Overton, Nebraska; Jackie Gilbert of Chandler, Arizona; DaeRon Jones of Kansas City, Missouri; Avery Muff of Hastings, Nebraska; Julia Reimer of Hastings, Nebraska; Tucker Schneiderheinz of Central City, Nebraska; and Ivey Zimmerman of Overton, Nebraska.
The 2020 high court will be announced the evening of Friday, September 25 during the annual Homecoming dinner, which is being held outdoors this year.
Brief bios of all the candidate finalists are listed below.
Other homecoming events will occur on Saturday, September 26, with a reverse Melody Round-Up Parade, where the public can drive or walk around campus to see bands and floats; Homecoming picnic; and several athletic events.
Hastings College Homecoming Royalty
Wren Allen of Columbus, Nebraska, is a physics major. The son of Mike and Kim Allen plays for the Bronco football team and is a member of the Student Alumni Association. The dean’s list student also is a student senator.
Holly Bosley is the daughter of Cliff and Liz Bosley from Longmont, Colorado. The biology major is a dean’s list student involved in Tri Beta, Alpha Chi, Hope120 and is a resident assistant. She’s the captain of the women’s soccer team and is an intern for the human performance program.
Christiana Cole is from Bowie, Maryland, and majors in elementary education. She is the daughter of Glen and Susan Cole and is involved in CRU and Nebraska State Education Association. She is also a head resident assistant and is a CORE100 engagement coach.
Jayden Eby of Overton, Nebraska, is the daughter of Don and Deanna Eby. The double major in elementary education and special education is a member of the women’s track and field team, SAAC and Nebraska State Education Association. She is a head resident assistant and is a CORE100 facilitator.
Jackie Gilbert is a biochemistry major from Chandler, Arizona. The daughter of Craig and Jessica Gilbert plays for the women’s soccer team, is the Student Association secretary and a resident assistant. She is involved in TriBeta and works in the admissions office as a tour guide.
DaeRon Jones is from Kansas City, Missouri, and is the son of Ronnell and LaStar Jones. He is a communication studies major and is the Student Association vice president. The Bronco football player is a student engagement coach and resident assistant.
Avery Muff of Hastings, Nebraska, is a philosophy major. He is the son of Harry Hamel and Lisa Smith and is in band, Millard Cates Choir, an acapella group and is a Scott Scholar. He is also a student engagement coach.
Julia Reimer of Hastings, Nebraska, is a biochemistry major and the daughter of Curtis and Kathy Reimer. The dean’s list student is in Tri-Beta, SAAC, SHAC and Chi Omega Psi. She is a captain of the softball team, Alpha Chi vice president and is on the Student Alumni Association leadership team. She’s also involved on the Welcome Home committee and is an intern for the human performance program.
Tucker Schneiderheinz is an exercise science major from Central City, Nebraska. The son of Daniel and Janelle Schneiderheinz plays for the Bronco football team and is an intern for the human performance program. He also helps run the college CrossFit night.
Ivey Zimmerman is the daughter of Alvin and Kayleen Zimmerman and is from Overton, Nebraska. She is a music education and vocal performance double major involved in choir, handbells, Sigma Alpha Iota and is a resident assistant.
Hastings College is Nebraska’s premier private college. A four-year residential college that focuses on student academic and extracurricular achievement, Hastings’ student-centered initiatives include providing books, an iPad and a two-week study away experience at no additional cost. A block-style semester schedule allows professors and students to focus on fewer classes at a time and promotes hands-on experiences. Discover more at hastings.edu.