
Weather Update: Classes are online Tuesday, February 18. Offices are closed.

Paul Kreager

Paul Krieger ’71

Board of Trustees Member

A 1971 graduate of Hastings College, Paul Krieger is President of Krieger Electric Company in Hastings. Krieger Electric has been in business since 1950 and does commercial, industrial and residential wiring, data wiring installation, and energy management control. Mr. Krieger earned his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Hastings College and a master of business administration degree from the University of Nebraska-Kearney. He is an elected member of the Central Community College board and also serves on the board of the Hastings Public Schools Foundation. Paul is a member of Hastings Rotary, Mid-West Lodge 317, Hastings Scottish Rite, and First Presbyterian Church in Hastings.

Mr. Krieger was elected to the Hastings College Board of Trustees in 2009.
