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Dr. Pedro Vizoso

Phone: 402.461.7350

Dr. Pedro J. Vizoso

Professor of Spanish

Office: Wilson 109

Dr. Pedro J. Vizoso is Professor of Spanish at Hastings College.

Since his arrival to Hastings College in fall 2010, Dr. Vizoso has been responsible for the Spanish program in the Department of Languages and Literatures. He teaches Spanish at all levels, ranging from courses for beginners to capstone courses for majoring students, focusing not only in language studies, but also in the Hispanic culture at large. During his time at Hastings College, he has received the SAA Polished Apple Award, the first Faculty Development Award and the Outstanding Faculty Member by Alpha Chi Academic Honorary Society. He was also named once the Hastings College Lecture Series Invited Faculty Lecturer.

His area of specialization is Transatlantic Hispanic Modernism. Other areas of great interest for Vizoso are translation studies, Hispanic crime fiction, the Spanish poetry of the Restoration period, and the poetry of French Symbolism. In his main field of studies, Dr. Vizoso has published a book about the connection between the evolution of the city and Madrilenian bohemian literature during the second half of 19th century and the beginning of the 20 th century:

Madrid modernista: El espacio urbano en la literature bohemia del modernismo español.
Colección Hispanismos 7. Valladolid: Editorial Verdelís, 2016. 398 pp. ISBN 9788494119774

Originally from Spain, Vizoso received a bachelor of arts degree in Hispanic Philology from the UNED (Madrid, Spain) in 2002, a master’s degree in Spanish from New Mexico State University in 2006, and a doctorate in Hispanic Literature from the University of Arizona in 2010.
